A little bit of planning can go a long way in avoiding taxes and having real world results when paying for medical expenses. Recently I experienced this after needing a significant amount of dental work that insurance wouldn’t cover. After diving deeper into Health Savings Accounts and utilizing some of these tax-saving strategies myself, I wanted to share this information.
The Importance of Proper Income Tax Withholding
Would you rather have a dollar today or a dollar tomorrow? What about one dollar every month or twelve dollars at the end of the year? The majority of us would take the money as soon as possible. This is based on two old economic principles; opportunity cost and the time value of money. We know that having a dollar today rather than some time in the future is more valuable because it means we can use that dollar immediately. This could mean saving, paying off debt, or even investing it for the future. Therefore, as we evaluate something of equal value received in the future, we discount its worth and prefer that same value now. This is relevant to us as taxpayers as every month we are given the option to receive more now or more when we file our taxes (assuming we are withholding too much).
What does Fiduciary mean, and why does it matter?
Almost all our engagements and recommendations with clients are Fiduciary. Why does that matter to you? Under current regulations, all advisors are now required to act as Fiduciaries for new recommendations in retirement accounts (for example IRA accounts). However, they were not required to do that until very recently, and your account might be grandfathered under the old, weaker, “suitability” rules.
College Planning: Grants, Work-Study, and Loans
In our prior videos (College Planning), we have talked about ways to reduce the cost of education through AP course, college selection, and scholarships. Assuming you have done that and still have a shortfall, you are probably moving on to methods of obtaining financial aid. Today we are going to talk about the $150 billion in federal aid that the US Department of Education offers to 15 million students each year. The aid is provided in the form of grants, work-study, and loans.
College Planning: Athletic, Academic, Community, Specialty, and Workplace Scholarships
In our first college planning video, we highlighted advanced placement credits, college selection, and military scholarships. Today we are going to talk about other scholarships: athletic, academic, and community/specialty/employer scholarships.
College Planning: Advance Placement, College Selection, & Military Benefits
Does the potential cost of college have you worried? Today we are going to talk about ways to plan for college costs. There are several ways, but we are going to focus on 3 that I think you can control. This is near and dear to me as I have 6 kids, with the first one just entering her 2nd year of college. Possibly 5 more to go, so I appreciate any avenue to save money while still getting a good value in this area.
Choosing the Right Investment Manager for Your Needs
Would you like to know how investment managers are selected for your portfolio? It certainly is not a case of “we like this guy,” or “who has the best return.” There is a very clear and defined due diligence process. But because our team of advisors recognize that this many not be visible for you, it seemed valuable to share more about it.
Investing is like...Toothpaste.
Are more choices better? The makers of toothpaste certainly think so. But so many choices can lead to indecision and, worse, inaction. Thankfully, people find a way to cut through the noise, buy their toothpaste and, most importantly, actually brush their teeth frequently. Investors could learn from this. Read more about my quirky analogy.
Are you financing your past or saving for your future?
Want a prosperous retirement? Start with this.
Imagine a situation where you were at the playground on the seesaw with your older brother. It works well at first. Then winter comes. The next spring you hop on the seesaw again, but it doesn’t work anymore. Your brother grew faster, and now the seesaw is out of balance. He gets on, you fly up on your side, and you’re stuck with your legs dangling in the air, suspended until he lets you down. Your seesaw is out of balance. You need to rebalance to make it work the right way again.